Monday, April 16, 2012

Minnesota Spring!



Saturday, April 14, 2012

Planting Coffee Beans

 Start with green coffee beans, cups or something else to plant in, Perlite, and plastic wrap.

  Fill the cup or container about 1/3 full with the perlite.  Set one bean in the middle of the perlite.  Pour more perlite to cover the bean.  Water the bean and cover with plastic wrap to help retain the moisture.  Keep in a warm location.  We are keeping ours on the counter above the dishwasher.

Now, as with everything else, we wait...germination should take about 4 weeks!  We will post again in 4 weeks!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Planting a Pineapple!

Start by twisting off the top of the pineapple.  Grasp it at the bottom of the leaves and twist and pull.  You will end up with this little nub.

Begin removingthe leaves around the bottom, one by one.  You will see some brown wormy things...those are the roots!  Continue to remove leaves until you don't see any new roots.

More roots.  We went about 1-2 more layers of leaves from where the end of the roots were.

Using basic potting soil, plat the top so that all the roots are covered.

Gently pat the soil around the base of the pineapple.

Your new growth will come from the middle of the pineapple top.  The outside leaves will eventually turn brown and die.  That is fine.

Keep the top watered.  Keep it out of direct sunlight for the first 1-2 weeks.  After about 2 weeks, you can move it to a sunny location.  We will post more pictures as our pineapple grows!
It is normal for all of the leaves on the outside to become brown and die.  Don't worry!

New growth comes from the center! (1 wk)

Watch deep in the center of the pineapple for new growth.  Becareful when poking around in the center leaves, they are very sharp and can prick you!