Wednesday, March 28, 2012


First Eaglet hatched March 27, 2012

Second Eaglet hatched March 28, 2012

Mom feeding the babies.  One egg left to hatch.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have been watching the eagles in Decorah Iowa with my 4-5 year olds.  It has been an exciting time learning about the bald eagles!  I thought I'd share a couple of the still shots that I took via their web cam.  The picture of the female eagle:  she is indeed panting.  It has been unseasonably warm in Iowa this spring.  These birds are used to snow at this time of the year.  They don't even get the shelter from the leaves!  This nest is approx. 80 feet up in a cottonwood tree in Decorah Iowa. 

  • How big is the nest? About 6 feet across, about 5 feet deep; it weighs close to 1367 lb.

  • Female eagle

    close-up of eagle feathers

    close-up of eagle eggs

    rolling the eggs

      male eagle
    Mom is sleeping on the eggs while dad stays guard on an upper branch.
    Close up of Male's eye and beak.  Nares - the holes in a bird's beak
    We have a pip!!! 3/26/12
                                                                       3/26/12 - 5:12 pm

    This is mom and a close-up of part of the nest. 
    2 eaglets!

    Dad perched on a nearby branch

    Garden week to week...

    March 11, 2012

    March 18, 2012

    March 25, 2012

    Birds are coming back!


    The colorful thing in the background is a suet feeder filled with some of my yarn scraps.  Birds love to use yarn in their nest building in the spring.

    Dark-Eyed Junco


    Wacadoo plants and Herbs

    This is our Avacado plant!  Our friend Janda is a pro at starting these plants. 

    The large leaves came after we pinched off the tiny first leaves.

    We love our indoor herb garden!
    Fresh basil in Spaghetti sauce and Bruschetta is so tasty!

    Indoor herb garden with basil, thyme, dill and mint.
    We have a bloom on our Christmas cactus!  It has been quite a while since we have seen one!

    Making Yogurt

    After 14 years, we are ready to venture forth and make yogurt again!  The first attempt left a rather unpleasant odor...not from the yogurt...Now, we have 14 years of knowledge and we are ready to try again!
    Sanitizing 2 1-quart jars

    plain, full-fat yogurt

    1/2 gallon organic whole milk heated to 100 degrees

    6 rounded tablespoons of plain, full-fat yogurt

    Wisk together

    Pour into sanitized quart jars

    place in cooler with heavy towel for 8-10 hours.

    The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!The Homesteading Handbook: A Back to Basics Guide to Growing Your Own Food, Canning, Keeping Chickens, Generating Your Own Energy, Crafting, Herbal Medicine, and More (Back to Basics Guides)
             This is one of our favorite books!                         This is our other favorite book!

    Sunday, March 18, 2012

    Buds on the Maple Tree

    Buds on the large Maple Tree.  Apparently the sap has snuck past our taps in made it to the buds! 
    Apple concentrate, heated

    One Gallon Glass Jar

    Apple Cider and Yeast

    Pectic Enzyme for clarity

    Adding the juice

    Adding the pectic enzyme


    Swirl it down with the juice

    Adding the airlock

    Now we watch for bubbles!