Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have been watching the eagles in Decorah Iowa with my 4-5 year olds.  It has been an exciting time learning about the bald eagles!  I thought I'd share a couple of the still shots that I took via their web cam.  The picture of the female eagle:  she is indeed panting.  It has been unseasonably warm in Iowa this spring.  These birds are used to snow at this time of the year.  They don't even get the shelter from the leaves!  This nest is approx. 80 feet up in a cottonwood tree in Decorah Iowa. 

  • How big is the nest? About 6 feet across, about 5 feet deep; it weighs close to 1367 lb.

  • Female eagle

    close-up of eagle feathers

    close-up of eagle eggs

    rolling the eggs

      male eagle
    Mom is sleeping on the eggs while dad stays guard on an upper branch.
    Close up of Male's eye and beak.  Nares - the holes in a bird's beak
    We have a pip!!! 3/26/12
                                                                       3/26/12 - 5:12 pm

    This is mom and a close-up of part of the nest. 
    2 eaglets!

    Dad perched on a nearby branch

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